Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 8, 2016

How does the brain of the genius work?

Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton or Mozart are all geniuses. So their brains operate like? Other than those who have normal or not?

In 1905, Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity. He also proved the existence of atoms and discovered light operates as both particulate and wave form. On top of that, also in the same year, he found the famous equation E = mc² describes the relationship between matter and energy. Einstein achieved a new record of achievement when only 26 years old.

Albert Einstein

No doubt in concluding Einstein was a genius. Like the physicist Isaac Newton, he played a large role for the integral development, subjects which many people have difficulty in receiving. A more genius, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, began composing music when he was 5 years old. Mozart wrote hundreds of songs before he died at age 35 in 1760.

Isaac Newton

According to conventional wisdom, the genius, the other common people. They can think better and faster than others. In addition, many people believe that because of the extraordinary power of their brain that acts weird and eccentric. Although not difficult to discover the genius, but the determination is what makes a person become a genius is extremely difficult. Find out the cause of a genius who became a mystery still to be answered.

There are two things that the study of the genius becomes difficult:

- The identification of genius still very subjective. Some people believe that one IQ (IQ) higher than normal, that person is a genius. Others thought that IQ tests measure only a limited part of human intelligence. Some believe that the result was not very high IQ to identify a person's true genius or not.

- The concept of genius extremely abstract. Most research and medical science are based on data and information. Abstract field defined as genius is not easy to quantify, analyze or study.

So, before we learn about the genius thinking and how to work, the first thing should be precisely defined "genius" is. In the framework of this article, a genius does not simply have a high IQ, but instead a smart geniuses who excel and he broke the normal rules of discovery , inventor or his artwork. In short, a genius must be both smart and able to use the intelligence that an effective and impressive.

But what makes a human being is capable of doing these things? Is it due to differences in the brain, or due to the extraordinary intelligence? Or by the ability to pay attention to information that other people see it as irrelevant? We will begin to find answers to the questions above with understanding the human brain.

Genius and the brain

Brain regulate organ systems of the body. When you move, the brain sending signals through the nerves and muscles sure what to do. Your brain controls the senses: hearing, smell, taste, sight, touch and experience, handling emotions through the brain. Above all, the brain allows you to think, gather information and solve problems. But how does the brain make us smart?

Scientists still have not figured out all the functions of the brain, but they were determined to be somewhat helps you think. Cortex, the outermost part of the brain, where thoughts formed and reasoning. That's higher functions of the brain, lower functionality, related to survival skills, it lies deeper inside the brain.

Cortex is the largest part of the brain and it has wrinkles and folds help allow it to fit in the skull. If you remove the brain and lasted 1 adult, it will grow by several newspaper pages. The brain is divided into lobes, and each lobe regions will vary in handling different tasks.

Cortex has a tremendous impact on the way you think, but the exact study how the cortex makes you smart is extremely difficult, because:

- It is difficult to reach the brain, because it is encased deep inside the skull.

- Tools to observe the brain, such as magnetic resonance images of machines, require a completely in a state of immobility. This makes it difficult for doctors to observe the brain activity of people in real-life activities.

- The brain, like all organs in the body, undergo changes after a person dies. These changes may make the comparison brain while alive and his death became difficult. Also, check after death can not assess brain activity.

Despite all these challenges, the researchers have discovered a few things about how the brain affects intelligence. A 2004 study at the University of California, Irvine, showed that the volume of gray matter in parts of the cortex had a major impact on the intelligence than other parts of the brain. This shows the physical properties of the parts that constitute the brain - rather than an "intelligence center" focus - decide one's intelligence.

An analysis in 1999 by Albert Einstein's brain also seems to support this theory. Einstein's brain is smaller than average brains a bit. However, the parts of the brain's parietal lobe of his brain larger than most people. The larger area of his brain that is related to mathematics and spatial reasoning. Einstein's parietal lobe brain no cracks - traces that were found in the brains of most people. Analysts suggest that the absence of cracks means that the different parts of his brain can communicate better.

A 2006 article in the journal "Nature" suggests that a developing brain is more important than the size of the brain. A person's cerebral cortex becomes thicker in childhood and in adolescence thinner. According to the study, the brains of children with high IQs then thicken faster than other kids.

The study also found that, in a certain degree, children inherit from their parents intelligence. Some researchers hypothesize that this is due to the physical structure of the brain may be a genetic trait. In addition, the process of trying to be good at something just ask and encourage your brain to handle activities that work better.

Although scientists are not sure exactly but it is clear that the brain plays a role in determining a person's intelligence. But the difference between genius and what is intelligence? And what makes a person smarter than others? We'll see the link between intelligence and genius in the next section.

Smoking reduces intelligence

According to a study published in 2004, smokers and former smokers, it will not test well with non-smokers. 465 people made a test measuring cognitive ability at age 11 in 1947 From 2000 to 2004 they retake the test again. Based on the results, smoking causes 1% decline in cognitive function. A possible explanation for this correlation is smoke creates lung injury resulting in less oxygen for the human brain.

The smart babies

After studies showed that listening to Mozart can increase IQ, many parents start their children listen to Mozart, hoping to take advantage of the "Mozart effect". One explanation for the "effect" of this is music to make people alert and vigilant. On the other hand, the music of Mozart and the handling of mathematical reasoning or space based on the nerve cells in the brain similar.

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