Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 8, 2016

5 amazing scientific facts that we have missed at school

School time is limited, so it will have the knowledge, scientific information must be ignored. This article would mention such things. Human knowledge is endless. Over time, the endless treasures that continue to be open, which has the extremely interesting knowledge but very few people can grasp.

1. Water can boil and freeze at the same time

Everyone already knows that water exists under 3 forms: solid, liquid and gas. However, there is a point that may just boil water, just frozen at the same time. That was when the water reaches the junction of the liquid - the triple point.

Triple point là thời điểm mà nước có thể đun sôi và đóng băng cùng lúc.
Water can boil and freeze at once.

Meanwhile, the temperature and pressure of the water just enough for the 3 polymorphs of water coexist in thermodynamic conditions.

Specifically with water, the conditions required temperature is reached ° C and a pressure of 0.01 atm 0.00603659. The moment when the water boils, steam will bring energy, lowering the energy of the remaining water has frozen. This process will be repeated, while the temperature and pressure remain unchanged overall.

2. We can create "laser waterfall"

Sở dĩ có hiện tượng trên là do tia nước bị bẻ cong.
We can create "laser waterfall"

The reason for this phenomenon is caused by water jet is bent.

Light always moves in straight lines. However, the reason we can do this is because of a physical phenomenon is quite interesting: internal reflection.

This phenomenon occurs when light entering the interface between the two environments at a different angle - here is the water jet is bent - it is refracted, instead continue straight. And because this process occurs repeatedly, the entire beam of light will be bent under the water jet.

3. What happens when two black holes swallowing a star?

Cosmic black hole is one of the most mysterious region of space in the universe, with extremely strong gravity, enough attraction for anything, not even light.

Ngôi sao di chuyển đến gần hố đen lập tức bị hút vào.
Stars move closer to the black hole immediately gets sucked into.

But this does not mean just being sucked into the sink in a dark area. When black holes suck a star, too large energy sources will make it ... reflux - plasma ejected a column stretching hundreds of light years.

4. The strength of the explosion on the Sun.

Mặt trời là một khối năng lượng không hề bình lặng, bởi vì nó... nổ suốt ngày.

The sun is an energy block was not calm, because it ... explosions throughout the day.

And you know, every explosion on the Sun are releasing the energy equivalent of 100 million ... 100 megaton nuclear bomb (1 megaton = 1 million tons of TNT). To better visualize the Fat Man bomb drop-down US Japan in 1945 only about 21 kilotons (equivalent to 21,000 tons of TNT) only.

5. "Life-hack" helps you see when forgotten glass

The body was then glass is shortsighted and haunting, because if someday accidentally "separation" - that day was a disaster. Eyes narrowed nose right back to themselves miserable and still could not see anything.

However, there is a little trick to help the team be more or less close look at what to look. It is seen through a small hole, as shown below.

Việc giới hạn góc độ nhìn sẽ giúp bạn nhìn rõ hơn.
The limited time views will help you see better.

The visual angle limit so will help us to focus light on the retina, through which the image will become clearer.

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